Level 50 Quests
Despicable Barbarian
Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy (117, 639)
Location: Town of Arriving
Mission #1: Hunt Barbarian Warrior Nail (35) from Barbarian Warrior at Skeleton Mountain
Monster Location: Skeleton Mountain (167, 636)
Rewards: Gold (11000), EXP (18500), SP (4350)
Warrior Crystal
Start NPC: Pharmacist Walden (118,641)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Centurion, Collect Warrior Crystal (1)
Mission #2: Visit Pharmacist Walden
Rewards: Gold (4500), Exp (7500), SP (1700)
Ancient Dragon City
Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder(128,589)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Mission #2: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,457)
Rewards: Gold (3650), Exp (6000), SP (1250)
Twin Tower Of Darkness
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,641)
Location: Ancient Dragon City East
Mission #1: Visit Tower Of Shade or Tower Of Darkness
Tower Of Shade Approach (526,967), Then head to the top of tower, right click on stone in inventory to continue (530,967)
Tower Of Darkness Approach (582,926), Then head to the top of tower, right click on stone in inventory then talk to altar
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder
Mission #3: Visit Tears Of Heaven City Elder
Rewards: Rep (30) Human Celestial Stone
Note: Visiting one of the towers and accepting stone will continue quest not allowing you to get stone from other tower. Each tower has different quest dialog.
Best Of Friends (Elf)
Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim(430,461)
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #1: Visit Guard Jeff (320,419)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Remnant Pinna (360,460)
Mission #3: Visit Merchandizer Lance (371,350)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air along the shore of Bamboo Village
Mission #5: Visit Merchandizer Lance
Rewards: Gold (8300), Exp (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.
Best Of Friends (Beast)
Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim(430,461)
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #1: Visit Guard Wheaton (246,644)
Mission #2: Visit Guide (255,689)
Mission #3: Visit Guard Macaria (230,554)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air north of Cambridge (227,595)
Mission #5: Visit Guard Macaria
Rewards: Gold (8300), Exp (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.
Best Of Friends (Human)
Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim(430,461)
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #1: Visit Guard Anders (430,881)
Mission #2: Visit Guide at Inn of Eagle (422,835)
Mission #3: Visit Sentinel at Village of Hidden Hero (495,870)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air above Village of Hidden Hero (227,595)
Mission #5: Visit Sentinel at Village of Hidden Hero (495,870)
Rewards: Gold (8300), Exp (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.
The Seven Breve
Start NPC: Ancient Kings Tripod Chief (465,430)
Location: Ancient Kings Tripod
Required Quest: The seven Breve (This is the 5th quest in the sequence. Previous 4 required)
Mission #1: Kill Barbarian Berserker (25)
Mission #2: Kill Barbarian SharpShooter (25)
Monster Locale: West of Ancient Kings Tripod
Mission #3: Find Wood Numen Seed, near the entrance of the Valley of Disaster
Mission #4: Visit Ancient Kings Tripod Chief
Rewards: Gold (11250), Exp (18750), SP (4400)
The Seven Breve Continues
Mission #1: Collect Wood Numen Seed (448,408)(If it's not there wait for it to respawn)
Location: Outside Valley Of Disaster Entrance
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Kings Tripod Chief
Rewards: Gold (1800), Exp (3000), Sp (700)
The Seven Breve Continues
Mission #1: Head to Unworried Lake (284,383)
Collect: Bow of Seal (Appears in Mission inventory. Quest disappears)