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41-50 уровень

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Level 41
Reemerge of warrior

Rewards: 8000 gold , 13500 experience, 3250 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Clan of haste leader (368,764)
Go southwest of Clan of haste and kill 45 Mutant Maneating Blossoms
Moster Locale: around 347, 732
Go back to Leader (368,764)
Visit hermit

Rewards: 1450 gold, 2450 experience, 500 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Clan of haste leader (368,764)
Go to Clan of haste Hermit (356,787)
End of mutant jackal

Rewards: 7000 gold, 12000 experience, 2900 skill points
Required Quests: Main Rancor force
Quest giver: Clan of haste leader (368,764)
Go east and kill Mutant Jackals for 20 Mutated Jackal Tooth
Return to leader
Race totem

Rewards: 7500 gold, 6100 experience, 1400 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Clan of haste elder (365,760)
Go west and kill Voltrer Vipent Form (flying) for 1 Flame totem (335,720 �Є30)
Return to elder
Power of Five color (level 41 style)

Rewards: 29600 Experience , 5900 Skill points (Exp and SP rewards increase each time it is completed)
Required Quests: None
Repeatable Every Day (One time each day, starts at 16:00 GMT+0)
Quest giver: Eunice (530 641)
Go to Merchandizer and buy 3 of each type of grade 1 soulstone needed
Go to the Synthesize Master (558,624) and make them a grade 2 soulstone
Bring to the NPC that wants them
Wait about 10-20 minutes to go back to Eunice to receive reward



Level 42 Quests
Asking for help

Rewards: 1500 gold / 2500 experience / 50 skill points
Required Quests: none
Quest giver: Clan of Haste Leader (368,764)
Go north and talk to Camp of Sumor Chief (334,826)

Rewards: 9000 Gold / 15000 Experience / 3600 skill points / amulet (WB/WF gets an amulet with +99pdef and +35 pdef)
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Camp of Sumor Chief (334,826)
Kill 50 IronArbor Ablooms east of Camp of Sumor (337,770)
Go back to Chief



Level 43 Quests
Voltrer Vipent Form

Rewards: 8000 gold, 13500 experience, 3250 skill point
Required Quests: None
TIMED: 1 hour
Quest giver: Clan of Haste Elder (365,760)
Go west and kill 45 Voltrer Vipent Forms (at the sky)
Go back to Elder
Grandbarren Mastiff

Rewards: 8500 gold, 14000 experience, 3350 skill point
Required Quests: None
TIMED: 40 minutes
Quest giver: Clan of Haste's Merchandizer Randolph (369, 760)
Go north and kill 35 Grandbarren Masttifs for Red Cornflakes (yes, the cereal)
Go back to Merchandizer Randolph
Pharmacist's Plead

Rewards: 8000 gold, 14000 experience, 3300 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Pharmacist David (369, 763)
Kill 30 Hetemorph Maneating Floracus for north of Clan of haste for 30 Hetemorph Petals (360, 838)
Return to Pharmacist David
Rescue Protectorion

Rewards: 4500 gold, 7500 experience, 1500 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Clan Prophet (350, 758)
Kill 30 IronArbor Ablooms north of Clan of Haste (351, 852)
Return to Clan Prophet



Level 44 Quests
Fight for victory

Rewards: 9000 gold, 15500 experience, 3650 skill points, 1 star mage boots 'Millelegged Slipper'
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Tailor Lareina (368, 760)
Kill 45 Hetemorph Diplopod (333, 901) north of Camp of Sumor
Return to Tailor Lareina
Clan warrior

Rewards: 1550 gold, 2600 experience, 1500 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Clan Of Haste Chief (312, 781)
Go east to Clan Warrior (382, 790)
The Seven Breve

Rewards: 1600 gold, 2700 experience, 650 skill points
Quest giver:"Blacksmith Hayward" (123 590)
Go to Blacksmith Sammy (117 639)
Kill 30 Tauren Valorion [Lv48] in 30 minutes (172 674)'



Level 45 Quests
Perfect Heaven Shirt

Rewards: 13250 gold, 15000 experience, 5150 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Tear of Heaven City Hermit (467,567)
"Collect 15 Shirt Fragments from Tauren Chiliarch at Valley of Chess Board"
"Return to Tear of Heaven City Hermit"
"Goto Lady of Sew Kyleigh"
"Take 10 Leather+10 Synthesize Thread to Lady of Sew Kyleigh"
"return to Tear of Heaven City Hermit"
Clan of Haste Chief

Rewards: 1600 gold, 2700 experience, 550 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Clan Warrior (382, 790)
Go to (312, 781) Clan of Haste Chief
The Request of Chief

Rewards: 9000 gold, 15000 experience, 3550 skill points
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Camp Sumor Chief (334, 826)
"Kill 45 Couragon Archer"
You can find Couragon Archer at 328, 855
The Proof of Ability

Rewards: Gold (9000), EXp (15000), SP (3550)
Required Quests: None
Quest giver: Guard Laddu (332, 824)
Kill Spring WizenXylary (390,885), collect 45 strange branches



Level 46 Quests
The Believer Of Luna

Start NPC: Camp Of Sumor Elder (334,826)
Location: Camp of Sumor
Mission #1: Kill MicroHemo-WolenSuzerain (316 891)
Mission #2: Visit Camp Of Sumor Elder
Rewards: Gold (5400), EXP (9000), SP (2000) Heaven Celestial Stone
Reward Choice #1: Lunaris Long Bow
Reward Choice #2: Luna Phoebe's Waist Adorn
Reward choice is the same for all classes.
The Mystery Of Eclipse

Start NPC: Camp Of Sumor Elder (334,826)
Location: Camp of Sumor
Mission #1: Visit Wraithbeing Yvonne (336,904)
Mission #2: Visit Camp Of Sumor Elder (334,826)
Rewards: EXP (5000), SP (1150), Choice of grade 4 SoulStone
The Message Of Chief

Start NPC: Clan Of Haste Chief (312,780)
Time Limit: 10 Minutes
Location: North West of Clan Of Haste
Mission #1: Visit Clan Of Haste Elder (365,760)
Rewards: Gold (1650), EXP (2750), SP (550)
The Head Of Patrol

Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder (128,589)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Kill Eldergoth SharpShooters, Collect 30 Eldergoth SharpShooter Head
Monster Locale: South of Sundown Town
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder
Rewards: Gold (9000), EXP (15500), SP (3700)
Beauty Sight Continues

Requred Quest: Beauty First sight (Level 35)
Start NPC: Banker Terence (555,635)
Location: Dragon City South
Mission #1: Kill Mutant Maneating Blossoms, Collect Flowers (66)
Monster Locale: Around Town of Forwarding Wind, South East of Clan Of Haste(414 766)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Liana
Mission #3: Visit Banker Terence
Rewards: EXP (11400), SP (2300)



Level 47 Quests
Outpost Need Help

Start NPC: Clan Of Haste Elder (366,760)
Location: Clan Of Haste
Mission #1: Visit Guard Hilario (142,641)
Rewards: Gold (1650), EXP (2800), SP (600)
Aid Of Merchandizer

Start NPC: Merchandizer Randolph (369,760)
Location: Clan Of Haste
Mission #1: Collect Element's Essence (10) DQ 61
Mission #2: Visit Clan Of Haste Merchandizer
Rewards: EXP (20000), SP (4000)
Tauren Valorion Ear

Start NPC: Guard Hilario (142,641)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Valorion, Collect 40 Tauren Valorion Ear
Mission #2: Visit Guard Hilario
Rewards: Gold (10500), EXP (18000), SP (4200)
Death Note

Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder (128,589)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Decadalion, Collect 35 Tauren Decadalion Saliva
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder
Rewards: Gold (11000), EXP (18000), SP (4250)



Level 48 Quests
A Madman of Battle

Class: Elf Priest
Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy (118,639)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill StormHorn - Viriddis Chief Tauren (Its better to akt in a group :D)
Rewards: Gold (6000), EXP (9900), SP (2300)

Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder (127,589)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Kill GulesScales-Flying Dracon (Circles a rock located at (186,645)
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder
Rewards: Gold (6000), EXP (9900), SP (2300)
Leopardine BladeWolven

Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder (127,589)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Kill Leopardine BladeWolven (50)
Mission #2: Visit Sundown Town Elder
Rewards: Gold (10500), EXP (17500), SP (4100)
TerraWraith Marksman

Start NPC: Guard Hilario (142,641)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill TerraWraith Marksman (50) Dragon Wilderness (183 673)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Hilario
Rewards: Gold (10500), EXP (18000), SP (4200)
Town Of Arriving

Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy (118,639)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill StormHorn-ViriddisChiefTauren (Walks around near 116,688)
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Sammy
Rewards: Gold (6000), EXP (9900), SP (2300)
Accomplish Couple

Start NPC: Banker Terence (555,635)
Location: Dragon City South
Required Quest: Beauty Sight Continues
Mission #1: Kill Wolven Guardsman, Collect Tooth Of Red Wolf (20)
Monster Locale: North of Camp Of Sumor
Mission #2: Kill Toplain Wolverion Negus, Collect Tooth Of White Wolf (20)
Monster Locale: North East Dragon Wilderness, East of Town Of Arriving
Mission #3: Visit Guard Laina (321,419)
Mission #4: Visit Banker Terence
Rewards: EXP (14800), SP (3900), Choice of grade 4 Soulstone



Level 49 Quests
A Cursed Warrior

Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy (118,639)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill Quillhog DemonFalchionaire, Collect Badge of Courage (30) on Quillhog DemonFalchionire to Dragon battlefield, nearly 173 676
Mission #2: Visit Blacksmith Sammy
Rewards: Gold (11000), EXP (18000), SP (4250)
Dead Hunter

Start NPC: Guard Siber (124,591)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Sharpshooter (45)
Monster Location: 144 690
Mission #2: Visit Guard Siber
Rewards: Gold (10000, EXP (17000), SP (4050)
Lost World Superior

Start NPC: Mission Provider (533,644)
Location: Dragon City West
Mission #1: Visit Lost World Superior (573,664)
Quest Changes to: Euberman's Tear
Mission #1: Visit Stubborn Geezer (242,615)
Location: South of City Of Vanished
Mission #2: Kill MystRealm HexOcelot Warrior (1)
Mission #3: Kill MystRealm Cougaron Beserker (2)
Mission #4: Kill MystRealm Cougaron Centurion (3)
Monster Locale: Inside the Frozen Realm Dungeon (321,574)
Mission #5: Visit Stubborn Geezer
Mission #6: Collect Topaz Jade (2)
Mission #7: Collect Balas Jade (2)
Mission #8: Collect Orange Jade (2)
Mission #9: Collect Xylary Log (3)
Mission #10: Visit Stubborn Geezer
Mission #11: Visit Lost World Superior
Rewards: Exp (15330), SP (3066)



Level 50 Quests
Despicable Barbarian

Start NPC: Blacksmith Sammy (117, 639)
Location: Town of Arriving
Mission #1: Hunt Barbarian Warrior Nail (35) from Barbarian Warrior at Skeleton Mountain
Monster Location: Skeleton Mountain (167, 636)
Rewards: Gold (11000), EXP (18500), SP (4350)
Warrior Crystal

Start NPC: Pharmacist Walden (118,641)
Location: Town Of Arriving
Mission #1: Kill Tauren Centurion, Collect Warrior Crystal (1)
Mission #2: Visit Pharmacist Walden
Rewards: Gold (4500), Exp (7500), SP (1700)
Ancient Dragon City

Start NPC: Sundown Town Elder(128,589)
Location: Sundown Town
Mission #1: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Mission #2: Visit Arrow Stepping Manor Suzerain (428,457)
Rewards: Gold (3650), Exp (6000), SP (1250)
Twin Tower Of Darkness

Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,641)
Location: Ancient Dragon City East
Mission #1: Visit Tower Of Shade or Tower Of Darkness
Tower Of Shade Approach (526,967), Then head to the top of tower, right click on stone in inventory to continue (530,967)
Tower Of Darkness Approach (582,926), Then head to the top of tower, right click on stone in inventory then talk to altar
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder
Mission #3: Visit Tears Of Heaven City Elder
Rewards: Rep (30) Human Celestial Stone
Note: Visiting one of the towers and accepting stone will continue quest not allowing you to get stone from other tower. Each tower has different quest dialog.
Best Of Friends (Elf)

Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim(430,461)
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #1: Visit Guard Jeff (320,419)
Mission #2: Visit Guard Remnant Pinna (360,460)
Mission #3: Visit Merchandizer Lance (371,350)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air along the shore of Bamboo Village
Mission #5: Visit Merchandizer Lance
Rewards: Gold (8300), Exp (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.
Best Of Friends (Beast)

Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim(430,461)
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #1: Visit Guard Wheaton (246,644)
Mission #2: Visit Guide (255,689)
Mission #3: Visit Guard Macaria (230,554)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air north of Cambridge (227,595)
Mission #5: Visit Guard Macaria
Rewards: Gold (8300), Exp (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.
Best Of Friends (Human)

Start NPC: Blacksmith Jim(430,461)
Location: Arrow Stepping Manor
Mission #1: Visit Guard Anders (430,881)
Mission #2: Visit Guide at Inn of Eagle (422,835)
Mission #3: Visit Sentinel at Village of Hidden Hero (495,870)
Mission #4: Kill Nigonrotor SoarVipent (30)
Monster Locale: In the air above Village of Hidden Hero (227,595)
Mission #5: Visit Sentinel at Village of Hidden Hero (495,870)
Rewards: Gold (8300), Exp (9350), SP (2150)
Note: This Quest is different depending on race.
The Seven Breve

Start NPC: Ancient Kings Tripod Chief (465,430)
Location: Ancient Kings Tripod
Required Quest: The seven Breve (This is the 5th quest in the sequence. Previous 4 required)
Mission #1: Kill Barbarian Berserker (25)
Mission #2: Kill Barbarian SharpShooter (25)
Monster Locale: West of Ancient Kings Tripod
Mission #3: Find Wood Numen Seed, near the entrance of the Valley of Disaster
Mission #4: Visit Ancient Kings Tripod Chief
Rewards: Gold (11250), Exp (18750), SP (4400)
The Seven Breve Continues
Mission #1: Collect Wood Numen Seed (448,408)(If it's not there wait for it to respawn)
Location: Outside Valley Of Disaster Entrance
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Kings Tripod Chief
Rewards: Gold (1800), Exp (3000), Sp (700)
The Seven Breve Continues
Mission #1: Head to Unworried Lake (284,383)
Collect: Bow of Seal (Appears in Mission inventory. Quest disappears)


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